Irrigation Department GIS

Hydro Informatics Centre (HIC)

Cloud Apps Gallery


Sindh Irrigation Department GIS/RS Portal
Irrigation GIS Portal

The GIS Portal offers comprehensive geospatial data, facilitating informed decision-making for efficient water resource management.

Contour Mapping
Contour Mapping

This app allows efficient visualization and analysis of land elevations, aiding in planning and water evacuation.

Sindh Crop Assessment
Sindh Crop Assessment

This tool leverages Sentinel-2A imagery and offers in-depth crop assessments for Sindh province.

flood inundation probability mapping

This app predicts flood-prone areas using advanced geospatial analysis. It aids in effective disaster preparedness and evacuation planning to mitigate flood-related risks.

Lower Indus Morphology

The app outlines physical features and layout of the lower Indus River basin, crucial for flood management, environmental planning, and water resource strategies.

Water Balance & Latest Satellite Imagery

Sentinel-2A offers high-resolution, multispectral satellite imagery for monitoring land use and vegetation health,the data is vital for informed decision-making in disaster response.